Community Links
Get to know Muskegon and how the team at Northern Machine Tool strives to help support our community!
Here at Northern, we truly believe in giving back to our community. Whether it be by monetary donation, volunteering, or doing business with another company, we are always on the look out on how we can help support our community! Please feel free to browse below. These are just a few of the businesses and non-profits that the team at Northern Machine Tool have helped and support through the years:
Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce: https://www.muskegon.org/
Visit Muskegon: https://visitmuskegon.org/
National Tooling and Machining Association: http://www.ntma.org/
United Way of the Lakeshore: https://www.unitedwaylakeshore.org/
Salvation Army of Muskgeon: http://samuskegon.org/
Feeding America West Michigan: https://www.feedwm.org/
Kids Food Basket: https://www.kidsfoodbasket.org/
Noah's Project: https://www.noahprojectmuskegon.org/
Wounded Warrior Project: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/
Family Hope Foundation: http://www.familyhopefoundation.org/
Muskegon Rescue Mission: https://muskegonmission.org/